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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors with and ATI AGP card adn Nvidia PCI card ?!?!?
drogum   2007-01-03 07:28
Is it possible to run 3 monitors using a andn ATI AGP card (9600pro) and an Nvdia PCI (FX5200)
Will the Catalyst and Nvdia apps and drivers play nice together? Anything I need to know abnout setup?

Christian Studer   2007-01-03 10:13
Should work fine, but if you're planning on using Windows Vista, you should get either two ATI or two Nvidia cards, otherwise you won't be able to use Vista's Aero theme.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors with and ATI AGP card adn Nvidia PCI card ?!?!?

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