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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> PCIe Nvidia 7600GS work together with PCI Matrox G450
baogj   2007-01-04 20:33
I have a nvidia 7600GS PCIe card running on E6400, ASUS P5W64 WS Pro to support 2 monitors. I want to add in a PCI Matrox G450 to support the 3rd monitor but it doesn't work. If i install nvidia driver first, only the monitors connected to nvidia card work. If i install matrox driver first, only the monitor connected to the matrox card works.

How can i make them to work together to support 3 monitors?
Lawrence   2007-02-20 05:06
Same issue here, looks like the cards won't work together. I had the G450 PCI working with a Parhelia in WinXP but the Parhelia is AGP. Not sure if the G450 doesn't like PCIe or the 7600GS.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> PCIe Nvidia 7600GS work together with PCI Matrox G450

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