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Forums -> VideoSaver -> working with UltraMon
Mark   2007-01-06 00:35
After reading through the other posts here, it seems that VideoSaver won't work with UltraMon because it lacks a "live preview". Are there any plans to add this? It would be really cool to have VideoSaver running on one screen, and another screen saver on another. Or VideoSaver running on multiple screens... :) Of course, you'd probably need to have an option so only audio from one instance of VideoSaver at a time would be played...

- Mark
Christian Studer   2007-01-06 08:15
This is correct, VideoSaver only displays a static image as the preview instead of the actual video.

I agree that this would be a useful feature, will be considered for a future release.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> VideoSaver -> working with UltraMon

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