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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Enable and extend to 2nd monitor via regedit (xpp)?
Dean Colpitts   2007-01-12 03:04
Anyone have any idea if it is possible to enable and extend the desktop to second monitor via a regedit?

Here is my scenario - we deploy XPP (via ghost & sysprep) to HP DC7100, DC7600 & DC7700 desktops with dual head NVidia NVS28x cards (the same image goes to machines that are not dual head aswell), however the Ghost image does not have ANY NVidia drivers in. As part of the initial login script for the machines after deploying the image, we have a script that checks to determine if the following key exists:


This key is the device entry for the NVS285 (there are other keys for other cards). If this (these) key(s) exist, then the login script pauses and launches a second script which copies the NVidia drivers from a network share to a local folder (C:\i386\NVidia\driver build number), and then silently launches the driver setup from this folder, sets a flag (with the registry) to indicate the drivers have been installed, deploys Ultramon and finally reboots the computer. The problem is the computer only comes up with a single display enabled, and it remains that way until a user manually goes and enables secondary displays within Ultramon or the display control panel.

I want to modify the driver install script to have it modify the correct registry key to enable and extend to the 2nd monitor on the next reboot prior to actually rebooting the machine.

Anyone have any ideas?

Christian Studer   2007-01-12 11:19
Could you run a VB script file as part of the setup?

If yes, you could set up initial display settings for both monitors from the script (via UltraMon COM objects).

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Enable and extend to 2nd monitor via regedit (xpp)?

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