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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Prodcutivity numbers?
Ed   2007-01-15 07:14
Can anyone point me to some productivity numbers? I have seen estimates as high as 60% productivity increase and as low as 9% productivity increase. I mostly do software testing so I will have my application on one display and my test tool or document on another display.

Please help especially if you are into software testing.

Mark Jerde   2007-01-17 12:20
This should get you started. ;-)

-- Mark
Al   2007-01-18 02:13
I don’t have any numbers but I have this analogy. Suppose it is pre-computer era and everything you do is paper based, and the closest thing you have to computer or automation is a typewriter. Could you imagine working in such an environment if you could only view one piece of paper at a time. So you have this desk with lots of space but company policy says you can only have one piece of paper visible at any one time. What do you think the productivity gain would be when policy changes allowing people to work with 2, 3, 4, or more pieces of paper side by side and visible at the same time.

Sure I know people can print out documents they need for reference, but that has productivity costs as well. Not to mention all the costs associated with providing, servicing, stocking printing resources and ultimately disposal of documents and printer consumables. With the price of LCD monitors so low now (20 inch UXGA 1600x1200 for under $400), and most new computers having dual head capability, you just can beat multi-monitor for productivity gains. In the end, multi-monitor is a win win.
Ed   2007-01-19 08:45

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Prodcutivity numbers?

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