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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mouse between widescreen and standard monitors
Nick   2007-01-20 05:02
I have a dual monitor system with a new laptop and a 19inch second monitor. The laptop screen is 1280x768 and the second monitor is 1280x1024.

I would like the edges of the screens to lineup physically rather than by pixels, that is I whould like the top and bottom of the external to map to the top and bottom of the laptop rather than by pixels as is standard in windows. I know I can move the monitors up and down but that still leaves me "banging" my mouse against either the top or bottom of the monitor trying to get back onto the laptop screen.

Any suggestions?
ECarlson   2007-01-21 03:42
I'm not aware of any solution to that issue. Maybe Christian can add it as a feature to UltraMon, since it would require special handling of the mouse movement.

- Eric,
Nick   2007-01-21 06:45
Hi Eric,

Thanks, I've spent some more time searching and can't find anything either.

You're probably right about capturing mouse events so there's probably quite a bit of complexity there.

The mouse/keyboard sharing program Synergy does allow you to configure the edges of your monitors but these are monitors on different computers.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mouse between widescreen and standard monitors

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