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Forums -> VideoSaver -> 6 monitors, same movie but with a delay
Cin   2007-01-20 23:55
Im trying to get 6 screens together, playing the same movie but with a delay each of a frame.
example, when screen 6 has frame 1, than 5 has frame 2, 4 has frame 3 and so one, is this possible?
I didnt download the program yet but before i get myself learning to do it i have to know it will work :)

Thanks in advance
Christian Studer   2007-01-21 07:23
VideoSaver doesn't support this, all the videos will be synchronized.

I'm also not aware of other video playback software which supports this.

Christian Studer -
Cin   2007-01-29 05:48
Tnx for the answer

Kind regards from Belgium
Forums -> VideoSaver -> 6 monitors, same movie but with a delay

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