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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Screen Alignment / Overlap with G200MMS
Mike Miller   2001-08-31 02:49
Where I work, we have a machine with 3 4-headed Matrox G200MMS cards. They're hooked up to 9 (soon to be 12) projectors arranged to create a seamless display. The problem is that while in Windows NT 4 we can arange them so they are adjacent, windows 2000 has a minimum of 8 pixel space between the machines. What we'd really like to do is have overlap and use a hardware feathering solution... but neither Windows will let us overlap monitors. We also run linux... XFree86 4.x with Xinerama lets us do the overlap just fine... but we really need windows for powerpoint presentations (yes, we're looking at VMWare/Win4Lin/Wine/etc.). Does anyone know of a solution that would allow us to set up overlap in 2000 (or XP when that comes out)? The other nice thing about NT4 is that it doesn't really have the multiple monitor support-- so the Matrox driver spoofs it by telling windows NT that we have one huge (3072x2304) screen... which means we can maximize windows across all the displays, which is what we want.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Screen Alignment / Overlap with G200MMS

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