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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Right monitor as secondairy
Yagu   2007-01-27 04:09
This is my setup..
Graphicscard is a nvidea 6610xl.
My primary screen is a Viewsonic 20" 16:10 lcd attached to the DVI output and my secondary is a Belinea 19" CRT attached to the VGA-output (this screen only has a VGA connection).

The Nvidea software does a great job DualViewing the screens. Ultramon does a great job on the smart taskbar.

The only thing is that my secondary screen (the crt) is on the left side of my primary for logistic reasons (in other words it only fits that way on my desktop :P) and it should be on the right side according to Nvidea software(makes sense if you look at the taskbar and start button).
I need my new LCD to be primary because of the games that automaticaly get displayed on primary.

So if I want to move my mousepointer from my primary screen to my secondary (which is on the left side of my primary) I have to move it all the way Right.

It makes little sense to my brain, which makes it really awekward to work with.

Is there a hack or a program which enables me to still use the right screen as primary?

Thanks in advance

Anhivarta Yaguznal
Yagu   2007-01-27 04:34
I am sorry ! I did find it just now. My problem solved.
I'll post the solution in case someone else needs it :).

Okay ... do this (I just tried this and it works perfectly -> although I'm using an ATI video card, so that MAY make a difference):

On the Settings page of Display Properties:

(1) Set Monitor #1 as the Primary monitor (probably already done)

(2) Extend the desktop to Monitor #2 (probably already done)

... at this point, the left monitor should be primary, and the mouse should move correctly off the right of that monitor to the other monitor.

(3) Now DRAG the picture of Monitor #2 to the left of monitor #1 and click "Apply" ... now the mouse should move off the primary display to the LEFT and onto the other monitor.

Assuming that works fine, just shut down and change the cables so monitor #1 is the one you want on the right. All should be fine :-)

I could drag the monitors to another place in the windows setup but not in the Nvidea setup !
David DeRolph   2007-01-27 07:18
This doesn't make sense. As you've discovered, dragging monitor 2 to the left of monitor 1 in the Windows Display Properties aligns the way Windows recognizes the placement of the monitors with the actual physical placement. Why in the world would need to still physically "just shut down and change the cables so monitor #1 is the one you want on the right."?

You've said the monitor you want to be primary, monitor #1 is already sitting to the right of the secondary monitor. So, you have no need to "just shut down and change the cables so monitor #1 is the one you want on the right."
ECarlson   2007-01-28 03:57
I'm also not sure why there was any swapping of cables.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Right monitor as secondairy

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