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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Windows Media Player (WMP) problem with 2 graphic card (AGP + PCI)
alesiom   2007-02-05 08:46

Windows XP SP2
Intel Core2Duo E6300
AGP NVidia GeForce Ti4200 with 2 monitors
PCI NVIDIA GeForce 6200 with 1 monitor

I have recently added a PCI card NVIDIA GeForce 6200 to my AGP : NVidia Ti4200 in order to use 3 monitors.
The drivers are common.

The third monitor (with the PCI card) works well with Internet explorer, Office, ... except with :

- WMP playing movies (mp3 are fine). The system freezes - Reset is the only solution...
What is the reason, do you think ? Is there a way to solve this little problem ?

- WMP playing a stream like Bloomberg TV for example
The system freezes when the window is moved to the third monitor (PCI card)

- TV application but it is less embarrassing than the WMP problems in my opinion.

I thank you very much for any idea

alesiom   2007-02-05 08:49
Youtube works well but it uses Adobe Flash Player
Highball   2007-02-07 03:27
I had the same problem. It was cured by going back to an earlier nVidia driver (80 something i think).
H. Paul Moon   2007-02-07 03:51
I'm having the same problem. In my case, the AGP slot has an ATI Radeon 9600XT, and the PCI slot has a Diamond ATI Radeon 9250. After much hassle, I was able to get DXVA to work on all four screens (two per card), and as long as I flip the primary monitor to whatever screen I'll be using, video material like Beyond TV and PowerDVD work well.

It's JUST Windows Media Player (v11 in my case) that crashes on the monitors connected to the AGP card. I don't think it's a driver issue as much as a WMP issue. Any ideas?
alesiom   2007-02-07 07:03

Do you think I should uninstall WMP 11 to come back to WMP 9 ?

Does it work for you ?

Thank you very much
alesiom   2007-02-09 07:06

Indeed, I have just installed the "old" 81.98 drivers.

WMP works very well

No more freeze !!

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Windows Media Player (WMP) problem with 2 graphic card (AGP + PCI)

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