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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 24" monitor & 17" monitor attempting horizontle span
edwin   2007-02-05 17:31
what im looking to do is take my 24 inch widescreen lcd (1920,1200) and my 17 inch(4:3) in portrait (1024,1280) and make a horizontle span. currently, the only option i've seen is one to toss the 17" back to landscape and do a horizontle span that way, which is very undesirable to me (play WoW, and with my current set up, it just looks like an extended 24" widescreen).

Any ideas?
Is this even possible?
edwin   2007-02-05 17:32
sry, alittle more info

running a nvidia 7900GTX on Windows XP.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 24" monitor & 17" monitor attempting horizontle span

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