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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> FireGL 8800/Radeon 9250 PCI - best drivers? DNA? Omega?
Peter   2007-02-05 20:43
I've just about got a three monitor setup working, but it's not completely ideal. The Sapphire Radeon 9250 PCI needs to be set as primary in the BIOS (440BX chipset) and as primary monitor in Windows 2003 otherwise it won't complete startup. Video acceleration works over all three monitors, as does OpenGL once I hacked in the atioglgl.dll registry entry and DLLs.

This only seems to work with the latest R200 class Omega drivers, although the OpenGL control panel settings appear incomplete. Installing Catalyst 6.11, then IBM-8.083.1 on top prevents a successful boot.

However, OpenGL performance on the 8800 seems slow, as does window dragging (the realtech VR OpenGL extensions viewer says everything is ok). Any advice? Different PCI slot? Better drivers? I'm considering trying the DNA drivers next.
Peter   2007-02-08 08:31
To answer my own question; I wouldn't recommend using the DNA drivers - whilst they do work, and correctly identify the 9250 as a 9250 (something the Omega drivers don't do - they identify it as a 9200 Pro), the latest version as of this moment contains a lacklustre 9250 driver.

I eventually moved the 9250 to a different slot, install the Catalyst 6.11-pre r300 drivers, then install the IBM 8.083.1 FireGL 8800 drivers over the top. This works, disabling the .NET based control centre, unsurprisingly. OpenGL is fully accelerated on both displays - although the 9250's support isn't up to that much..

If I was doing it again, I'd install catalyst *without* the control centre as it seems redundant.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> FireGL 8800/Radeon 9250 PCI - best drivers? DNA? Omega?

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