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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Second Monitor 'snapshot'
Guy   2007-02-06 20:45

We have some scoreboard software which we're displaying on a larger secondary display, with the intention of updating the information live on the primary screen.

We're looking for a solution to a problem where we'd like to be able to take a snapshot of the full screen running primary monitor at any given time and have it displayed, frozen, on the second monitor.

Does UltraMon do this? If not can anybody think of a cunning way to acheive this effect?


Christian Studer   2007-02-07 10:28
UltraMon currently doesn't support this. I'm also not aware of other software which does this.

Christian Studer -
ECarlson   2007-02-07 15:01
IrfanView's capture function almost does that. When I have IrfanView on the second screen, and use its capture function, while having the active app on the first screen, and pressing the IrfanView capture hotkey, the captured window displays in the IrfanView window on the second screen.

A couple issues: When putting IrfanView into full-screen mode, the IrfanView screen didn't update until I made IrfanView the active app, and when having IrfanView not in full-screen mode, the IrfanView window updated, but also became the active app, so you have to refocus back to the app on the first screen (which might not be an issue since you could probably just click, or alt-tab back to the main app).

If IrfanView doesn't do the trick, I imagine there is a capture program out there somewhere that you can leave full screen on your second monitor, and it will always display the most current capture, from whichever window was active at the time of capture.

If not, then many/most capture apps will save as a file, so you would need to somehow setup a viewer on the second screen that always displays the most recent photo added to the image capture folder.

If no photo app does that itself, then there are many automation programs that could monitor the capture folder for additions, then display them on the second monitor, and, if necessary, return focus back to your primary app.

So, it should be pretty easy to accomplish what you want.

- Eric,
ECarlson   2007-02-07 15:35
I also used used Windows XP's ClipBook viewer on the second screen, and it displayed whatever image was on the clipboard (ALT-PrintScreen), but it doesn't go "full-screen".

Perhaps there is a clipboard viewer available that does display full-screen.

But make sure you don't Copy the wrong thing to the clipboard, since it will even display text that is copied to the clipboard, so if you expect to be copying and pasting text while the big image is displayed, this won't be a good option.

A slightly more cumbersome solution would be to keep an image editor open full-screen on the second monitor, then copy (ALT-PrintScreen) the image from the first screen, then Alt-Tab to the second screen, then paste (Ctrl-V or Shift-Insert), then Alt-Tab back to the app on the first screen.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Second Monitor 'snapshot'

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