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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Extra space in Firefox toolbar
rowdyred94   2007-02-07 08:16
When I enable or disable my second monitor, Firefox is rendered with a blank toolbar above the menus (immediately below the title bar). I have to close and reopen Firefox to get rid of it. Happens every time.
theck   2007-11-27 09:06
I have also encountered this problem. However, I have narrowed down the cause (at least in my case) to the UltraMon Wallpaper Auto Changer script. Any time it attempts to change the wallpapers, I get the additional blank bar that the parent poster described.

Anybody have an idea what might cause this?
Christian Studer   2007-11-27 10:17
theck, this issue was fixed in UltraMon 3.0 Beta 1.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Extra space in Firefox toolbar

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