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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Monitor setup/ X1600 primary FX 5500 secondary
Ajar   2007-02-09 14:40

I'm working on a 3 monitor setup and having issues.

The system has been running 2 monitors off the X1600 just fine. I wanted to go to three monitors and picked up a FX 5500 PCI card. I did the install, using the latest drivers from the nvidia site. Rebooted... Then Stretched the desktop to that monitor, then it worked... looked amazing and was simple enough.

After playing around for about 15 minutes, the 3rd screen abruptly shut off. If I moved anything over to where that monitor is suppose to be, windows gets all unhappy almost locking up.

Since that time, I've done everything possible under the sun, but it won't come back up, in windows.

Troubleshooting I've done:

Switched monitors - monitor is fine

Re-installed drivers - I've tried the latest drivers, the drivers that came with it, and the drivers from the MS download site.

Switched primary display adapter setting in BIOS to be PCI. It was previously set for PCIe. This caused the boot process to be viewed on the FX 5500, and the Windows bootup screen was on that screen, but when done loading Windows, that screen shuts off, and the other 2 come alive.

The card seems to be fine - it seems to be some kind of issue within windows and/or the drivers... Any help or suggestions would be greatly apprecaited!


Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Monitor setup/ X1600 primary FX 5500 secondary

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