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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mixing resolutions
Makhno   2007-02-10 09:40
Sorry if this question has been done to death, but I'd like a specific answer before I commit financial resources.
I have a good hi-res widescreen monitor, and I'd like to add a cheap lo-res monitor.
So 1680x1050 with 1280x1024

Is it possible for the desktop to span both?

I'm addicted to counterstrike, but spend lots of my time dead. It'd be great if I could put this on my 1680x1050 monitor, and browse the web on the other 1280x1024.

WinXP + NVidia 8800GTX.
ECarlson   2007-02-10 13:26
For regular desktop apps, using both monitors would be no problem. When running a 3D game on one monitor, there are usually other considerations, which hopefully others here can elaborate on, since I don't run any 3D games.

- Eric,
Makhno   2007-02-14 08:50
Note that I've just discovered that NVidia do not support multiple monitors AT ALL with the 8800GTX running in SLI mode (or any SLI card for that matter).
Can Ultramon assist us here? My initial investigations suggest it can't.
ECarlson   2007-02-14 11:56
SLI mode is not designed for use with multiple monitors. It is designed to use 2 video cards to drive a single monitor, for performance.

- Eric,
Makhno   2007-02-16 01:24
Though there is no reason in principle why SLI could not drive two monitors, for example, fast graphics on one monitor, and basic Windows stuff on the other.
ECarlson   2007-02-16 12:43
From what I understand, SLI takes 100% of the processing power of both cards and directs it to one monitor, with each card doing half of the work, which would mean that there's nothing left for another monitor. Though you should be able to install a 3rd card, which wouldn't need to be anything fancy, to drive the second monitor, or you can switch out of SLI mode when you want to use more than 1 monitor.

- Eric,
Makhno   2007-02-19 08:48
So why not simply allow the displays to be cloned?
ECarlson   2007-02-19 09:10
You could install a splitter if you want to display the same image on 2 monitors.

- Eric,
Makhno   2007-02-20 06:51
That might be the best solution.
Anyway, here's an enquirer article about it
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mixing resolutions

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