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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Window button on wrong side (monitor) of the Taskbar
Dave   2007-02-12 06:09
When I open a window on my primary monitor the taskbar button for that window shows on the secondary monitor and vis versa. In otherwords the taskbar box for that window is always in the opposite monitor.
Christian Studer   2007-02-12 08:58
To fix this, right-click the UltraMon taskbar with the mouse and change the 'Show Tasks from' setting so that it only shows tasks from the monitor it is on.

Christian Studer -
Brian   2007-03-09 06:42
Nope, I'm having the same problem as the other customer and when I choose "Standard - each taskbar only shows tasks from the monitor it is on" in the Options/Smart Taskbar tab, it still has the taskbar icons flipped onto the opposite taskbar from the window the app is running in. Help? This is really annoying.

Christian Studer   2007-03-09 10:39
You'll need to right-click the UltraMon taskbar and change the setting there, even in standard mode an individual taskbar can still show tasks from another monitor or from multiple monitors.

Christian Studer -
Dave   2007-03-14 15:55
That doesn't seem to be working. I have made the setting change but still its backwards. Any other ideas? I've tried uninstall reinstall...but its still happening.
Brian   2007-03-15 08:34
That did work for me. Thanks so much for the help. I was trying to change the setting in the options dialog instead of on the Ultramon taskbar on Monitor 2.

Christian Studer   2007-03-15 10:48
Dave, please try resetting the Smart Taskbar configuration, see Smart Taskbar: missing taskbar or taskbar shows tasks from wrong monitor for details.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Window button on wrong side (monitor) of the Taskbar

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