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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 6600GT + MX440 =??
Maxaboy   2007-02-14 12:48
Hi all.

I am looking at buying a Geforce 4 MX440 PCI Graphics card to pair with my AGP 6600gt so I can run a third monitor. I cant seem to find anyone else running this set up and was wondering if it is because they are incompatible. Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks Max
Mas(+)teR   2007-02-14 13:06
You wont have a problem, as long as you install the 6600 completely before you add the MX440. I'm pretty sure the MX440 will still be able to start without it being the primary card under your bios. I run a 6600/5200 setup at the moment, but have had the same setup you're trying. With both being nVida cards, you shouldn't have any trouble, the only thing is the MX440 probably isn't going to let you use the full features of Vista, which is why i went for the 5200. Good luck, and enjoy the view.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 6600GT + MX440 =??

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