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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Has anyone tested/worked with SoftTH yet?
Mark   2007-02-15 03:11
Greetings - I would like to run triple screens in native (in my case 1600x1200) DVI digital resolution for doing graphics/media work in Windows as well as running at least 3072x1024 for gaming (like TH2G). I heard about the SoftTH option, and it looks promising.

I was just wondering if anyone has started testing/working with it and what they have found so far, especially in terms of running demanding games like FEAR, GRAW, Rainbow Six Vegas, etc. I was planning on trying it out tonight and wanted to get a better idea what I am getting into.

Any feedback about SoftTH so far, and have you used UltraMon with it?

My system configuration:
AMD 64X2 Dual
ToughPower 750w PSU
2GB Corsair
2TB Hard Disk (4x500gb)
BFG 7950GX2 1GB Video card (Primary)
BFG 7950GT 512MB Video card (getting it today as a secondary)
XP Professional sp2
3 Dell 20" LCD Monitors (+ TH2G but I won't be using it for test obv.)

I am currently hitting the following benchmarks with this system + TH2G:
FEAR - 50/60fps (with 4xaa I think)
Half Life 2 - 100/120fps (all settings maxed)
GRAW - 40fps (with 4xaa I think)
3dmark - 9850

Thanks - Mark
Chakkuchan   2007-03-03 01:23
Yah I've been playing around with SoftTH for a few days now, when I first put the DLLs into my FEAR directory the game started up awesome and went across all 3 of my Samsung 20.1" monitors, but sadly I have not been able to get this to work on any other games, including GTR2 (which he reports he got working) I've tried contacting Kegetys directly about his software but he has not replied back. I've already had to reinstall Direct X twice now after BSOD's. This is very experimental although I hope he develops it fully and markets it, I rather pay Kegetys 150$ then have to go through Analog adaptors for 1280x1024 when my monitors go 1600x1200!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Has anyone tested/worked with SoftTH yet?

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