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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Extending GeForce 6600 for a third monitor
Tom   2007-02-15 21:55
Hello Multimon(itor)-Friends,

I currently use a dual monitor solution with a Nvidia GeForce 6600 (dual head, analog) und want to extend it to be able to use a third monitor.

I have a free PCIe x1 slot in my computer, so I would prefer a card that uses this slot, but if this is not possible (or simply too expensive) I could also switch one of my ethernet cards to x1 and use the free PCI slot.

Would be great if someone of you could help me, because the graphic card market for more than 2 monitors is a little bit confusing for me :/.

Greetings from Germany,
- Tom
Tom   2007-02-15 23:41
After further research, this seems to be quite difficult. The only nVidia graphic card with support für x1 I can find is the Quadro 440, but as far as I understand this card is even capable of handling up to four monitors on its own. BUT: It is extremely expensive.

Do you have any other ideas that are not that expensive?

Here again the facts:

- Currently GeForce 6600 PCie x16
- Free: One x1 slot or one PCI slot
- Three monitors
- Has to be capable of handling Vistas Aero (DX10?)

- Tom
Law James   2007-02-16 05:27
Getting an X1 card will be two expensive, the best you can do really is a PCI 6 series card, but that'll still only just run aero in a dual monitor situation, it lags when you move windows around, and cant handle anything like dreamscene.

Even if you go SLI and have two 7 series cards you'll still have lagging issues.

Maybe things will improve with drivers.
Christian Studer   2007-02-16 11:23
The Quadro NVS 285 is also available in an x1 version, but I don't know how well this would work.

Christian Studer -
Tom   2007-02-16 20:43
Thank you very much for your help so far! Chris, you're right, the Quadro NVS 285 support x1 and is much cheaper than the 440. This would be an option. Why do you think this could make problems?
Christian Studer   2007-02-17 09:08
Performance might be an issue, the NVS cards are mainly intended for 2D work, and I'm also not sure how well different cards will work together under Vista, haven't tested this myself yet.

Christian Studer -
Mas(+)teR   2007-02-18 13:41
You could go mixed vendors and grab an X1300 on the 1x PCIE format, but then you'll miss out on full vista aero support. On the PCI front, i've had good success using vista aero with my 8800GTS/FX5200 setup. The FX5200 under PCI is a fairly useful card. Of course, you could always grab a cheap SLI motherboard and simply add another PCIE card. May even end up cheaper than getting a 1x PCIE card.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Extending GeForce 6600 for a third monitor

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