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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ASUS Radeon 9600XT + GeCube Radeon 9250 (or 7000, for that matter--didn't work either)
Heather   2007-02-18 16:50
I'm attempting to get triple monitors working with a Radeon 9600XT AGP card and a GeCube Radeon 9250 PCI card. I have an ASUS A7v600 motherboard. I've tried all kinds of combinations of ATI's drivers (ones that come on CD, CCC, etc.) The best I can do is get three monitors to work with an old driver for the 9600XT, but the primary (AGP) will crash after a few minutes of any 3D game. Or, I can get all three monitors to work for a brief time on new Catalyst drivers, but it is very unstable and crashes repeatedly. Anyone have any driver suggestions or setups that work?
H. Paul Moon   2007-02-23 03:53
I don't know what to say other than that your post caught my eye because I have almost the same setup: ATI 9600XT AGP is primary, Diamond 9250 PCI is secondary. When I installed the 9250 with the latest Catalyst drivers, I couldn't get any video overlay to play on the monitors connected to the 9250 (even after setting the monitor connected to the 9250 as primary).

Although I have absolutely no idea that every step was necessary, here's what I did:

1. Uninstalled all ATI drivers using the ATI Uninstall Utility.
2. Used shareware called something like "Driver Cleaner" to ensure removal of the ATI drivers.
3. Took out both video cards.
4. Connected monitor via VGA port to on-board graphics card.
5. Booted into Windows using only on-board graphics card.
6. Installed only the most recent version of Catalyst that shared the lowest common denominator of supporting BOTH the 9600XT AND the 9250.
7. Shut down, installed the PCI card, rebooted.
8. Shut down, installed the AGP card, rebooted.

Now, I am able to drive video overlays on either the primary monitor on the PCI card or the primary monitor on the AGP card by switching the primary display (i.e., not primary card) on an application-by-application basis.

Hope this helps.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ASUS Radeon 9600XT + GeCube Radeon 9250 (or 7000, for that matter--didn't work either)

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