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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Laptop still puts windows on second monitor when undocked and only 1 monitor
fosstob   2007-02-23 02:38
I have a Dell Lat D620 laptop running xp. When in the docking station, I have two monitors (the laptop monitor and a seperate LCD monitor atached to the video on the docking station) I use both screens with no problem.

When I undock, I only have the "main laptop" display. When I open some programs (MS Word, some error messages, IM Chat windows) they appear to be positioned on the non-exsistant 2nd monitor. I can see that they exsist on the XP task bar, but when I open or maximize or restore them, I can see the little outline go from the task bar item off to the right of the screen where the LCD monitor would be. If I go dock, I can see it there on the second monitor.

Specifically, how can I get over to those windows when I am not docked and only have 1 monitor? I thought Ulramon would allow me to "move it back to this monitor", but the "move to other monitor" option is greyed out when I only have 1 sceen.
Does anyone have any ideas? I tried to search for someone with the same issue here in the forums but cant seem to find anyone with the same issue. Thanks in advance for your any thoughts.
Christian Studer   2007-02-23 13:38
One thing you can do is activate the application's task button, then press ALT+SPACE followed by M. You can now move the window with the arrow keys.

For maximized windows, you'll need to press R first to restore the window to normal size.

Christian Studer -
Tim   2007-03-19 08:13
I was thinking the same thing i often have to do what Christian said (been using that trick for a while now). I think it would be so much better if ultramon detected a window opening on the non existent non primary monitor it could alert the user or just move the window automatically, it would definitely help for windows that don't show up in the task bar where i have to either use the alt, back arrow, space, m combo, other times there is nothing i can do because there is no menu available using that method and the only way to fix it is plug in a new screen.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Laptop still puts windows on second monitor when undocked and only 1 monitor

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