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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two displays keep "switching" positions
ebow   2007-02-28 05:53
Windows keeps changing my display arrangement!

Here's the setup: I have a docked Dell Latitude D820 connected to two Dell 2001FP LCD displays. The Latitude's video card is an NVIDIA Quadro NVS 120M, and I have the latest drivers as far as Windows reports. I connect to the left display with a DVI cable, and the right display with a VGA one.

When I boot up, my pre-BIOS disk encryption is always on the left/DVI screen. But by the time I get into Windows, it has its own, random, idea about which monitor is primary (given the ID "1" and therefore assumed to be on the left) and which is on the right (ID "2"). Sometimes the digital one is number 1, and everything is fine, but more often, lately, it likes to call the analog display number 1, and so my Start button is in the middle of the physical setup, and I have to move the mouse off the far right of the right screen to get to the left display.

When I rearrange the displays so that 2 is to the left of 1 (whether through Windows' Display Properties or UltraMon's Display Settings), it can change right back the next time I start Windows (or bring the computer from undocked to docked). UltraMon's profiles don't help, since they just use the designations of 1 and 2 for left and right, not the type of connection (analog vs. digital).

Does anyone know what causes this, or what I can do about it? I appreciate any suggestions!
ebow   2007-02-28 06:09
Oops: I left out the fact that the computer has started forgetting that I use the two displays in non-mirrored mode. A few seconds after it shows the Windows login prompt, regardless of whether I log in or not, the displays change from spanning to mirrored. I wonder if this is because I turned off the NVIDIA nView Desktop Manager to try UltraMon.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two displays keep "switching" positions

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