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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> window breaks up
JRS   2007-03-01 02:28
Does any one know what would cause a window to break up when moved from monitor to monitor? I may have a spread sheet open on one monitor and when I drag it to the other or expand it, it comes over "sliced up" as a piece of paper does when it goes through a shredder. How do I fix this? TIA
WJ   2007-03-20 20:24
I have exactly the same problem and have been searching for the answer. I have been using my 2-monitor setup for 2 years with win 2000, upgraded to XP and now windows dragged from one monitor to the other break-up.
Any ideas?
WJ   2007-03-21 20:54
I have just discovered a fix to this by playing around with settings... It's not a very nice fix to have to use with a supposedly sophisticated operating system, but if you change the display settings to 16-bit colour instead of 32-bit, then the problem goes away.
JRS   2007-04-12 03:49
you may be on to something. I'll try it. thanks
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> window breaks up

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