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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors 2 video cards problem
ddeevveess   2007-03-01 04:58
I have my first 2 monitors on a Radeon x1950xt, and my third monitor on a Radeon 7000 PCI. My first problem was that XP wouldn't load, I got that fixed by switching, in bios, PCE/PCI to PCI/PCE (or whatever). Now I've got that sorted out, but the third monitor is very laggy when dragging windows, and when I open a game on 1 of the other two monitors I get pink lines all over them and my computer freezes. While that is happening my 3rd monitor still works.

I'm sorry for the terrible grammar.
So the two problems are:
When I drag windows in the 3rd monitor it lags.
When I open up a game my two primary monitors screw up, while my 3rd monitor is fine.

If someone could sift through my post and help me that would be great.
Thank You
H. Paul Moon   2007-03-01 06:15
The basic issue is that you need both cards to use a single set of ATI drivers. You're already well on your way because at least both cards are ATI.

You'll see an example of this necessity when you load up dxdiag in the shell, and note that even though both cards support DirectX graphics, only one of them has it enabled.

Read up about how to make this work at the following site:

There you'll see reference to the tweaked Omega drivers here, where you'll note that it's saying you need to go with Omega Drivers v3.8.252 or older since ATI stopped supporting your PCI card.
ddeevveess   2007-03-02 15:19
I tried uninstalled the drivers, and rolling back, but when I did the two monitors that are on the x1950xt didn't work.
Can I install a different driver for the different card?
H. Paul Moon   2007-03-06 07:58
You need to make sure that you are choosing the driver that works with your oldest card. For example, you want the latest driver that works with your 7000.
Skyfall   2007-03-19 00:29
I'm having this exact same problem with an x1600 primary and a 7000 in PCI... Wondering if you ever got this fixed? I've tried everything...

Removed all PCI cards
Tried lots of different drivers
Tried changing every relevant setting in the bios and display properties

No joy :(

the PCI 7000 runs perfectly fine when my primary agp card is disabled, just when I run them together the 7000 slows down to a crawl, the x1600 is unaffected.
Josh   2007-03-19 04:16
Not sure if this will help, but -

Try a different slot for secondary PCI card. My point is, make sure both cards are not installed in a port that is running on the same IRQ channel. This may eleviate the lag if that is the case.
Skyfall   2007-03-19 05:12
Primary is AGP, but I have tried the card in different slots and also messed with the irq too.

Pulling my hair out as I really cant figure out where the problem is...

Any othe ideas would be very appreciated lol
H. Paul Moon   2007-03-26 06:37
Follow my instructions, OK? And try DriverCleaner too if you're desperate. Remember, you're choosing the lowest-common-denominator driver.
Skyfall   2007-03-27 22:40
I looked for this driver cleaner but I couldnt find it, do you have a link?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors 2 video cards problem

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