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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> PCI+Nvidia
Arumiat   2007-03-10 04:17
Dear all

running on Windows XP I have a PCIexpress Nvidia graphics card with dual heads to support 2 monitors, currently connected to a single normal monitor.

My dads given me his old flatsreen monitor which I thought was a VGA input, thus I thought that all that Id have to do is connect the second monitor to the second output on my graphics card and hey presto id have my dual monitor setup..

Unfortunately that flatscreen monitor is quite old and requires its own PCI card installation (my motherboard has the capability to do this).

My question is:
will a dual monitor setup work with the first monitor running from my PCIe graphics card and the second running from the PCI card? Is it very likely for there to be driver incompatibilities, problems with the Windows interface etc.?

Your help would be appreciated.
Christian Studer   2007-03-11 08:55
What type of connector does the display use? Couldn't you just use an adapter to connect it to your existing video card?

PCIe + PCI card should work fine, I would recommend getting a second Nvidia card so that you can use the same driver for both cards.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> PCI+Nvidia

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