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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Unusual Problem with 3 monitors.
Coolz   2007-03-10 12:16
Ok heres my problem...
I have three monitors on two ati cards.
An ATI X1300 256 AGP card and a ATI X1300 256 PCI card..
The center(primary) and left(secondary) monitors are set to the agp card which is set to init. first in bios and the right(secondary) monitor is set to the pci card..

Now when ever i have say internet explorer running on my center monitor and start a program on my right monitor. The right monitor will freeze for a few seconds, then go black and vpu recover. And if the program is still running when it comes back on it will freeze,go black and vpu recover over and over till my computer either freezes or i have to reboot it..

What have i tried?? - First contacted ATI they passed the buck and said it was my Bios.So i checked my bios and its the latest for my system.
Tried updating my on board agp drivers, didnt work any better either.
I'm at my wits end on this , I know its not my computer cause i've had 6 monitors on it before(but, that was nvidia products not ati)....

Does anybody knows what going on, I could really use some help and any would be greatly appreciated!!!

Windows XP HE
2.4 ghz P4
1 gig ram
430 psu
ATI 7.2 cat
Coolz   2007-03-12 05:08
I didnt know that ATI doesnt support people with more than one of their cards in their system???
Kinda sucky to me...

Well anyway i contacted Visiontek and they said my 430psu wasnt strong enough i needed a 500psu or faster.. I hope that works!!!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Unusual Problem with 3 monitors.

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