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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 8800GTS/GTX vs other Nvidia vs ATI CRT image quality - card recommendations?
Peter   2007-03-11 23:15
Sort of related to a prior post. The 8800GTS/GTX features 10 bit colour, resolutions up to 2048x1536x85Hz yadda yadda.

I need to run :

1 CRT at up to 2048x1536x75Hz (HD15)
1 CRT at 1280x1024 (may swap for TFT *or* another CRT at up to 2048x1536x75Hz at some point)
1 TFT at 1280x1024 (DVI-D)

Thus, two (PCI-e) cards will be needed (eDualhead etc, not possible due to different resolutions/connector types and monitor configuration, unfortunately :()


Is the GTS8800 *really* better for image quality when running desktop apps?
Any recommendations for other cards? I'm looking at putting the large CRT and the TFT on one card, and the other CRT on a slower card. Something that matches the Matrox G400 in quality would be good..

The cards need to have great image quality, be quiet when not running games, utterly reliable and have at least non mediocre DX 9 acceleration. After the hassles with the FireGL 8800 and Radeon 9250 I've had, I'm looking at Nvidia! (Based on that, anything I can buy is likely to be faster than something that's effectively a Radeon8500)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 8800GTS/GTX vs other Nvidia vs ATI CRT image quality - card recommendations?

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