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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Independent Desktops?
Alluin   2007-03-14 10:13
Hi everyone, sorry if this question has been asked before, but I couldn't find anything with a quick search.

I've recently bought a 20.1" tft monitor displaying at a resolution of 1600x1200, and thought I'd try to make use of my old 15" tft monitor (max resolution 1024x768). My questions is:

Is it possible to run 2 independent desktops, i.e. switch control of mouse/keyboard to either desktop with a hotkey say. For example when playing a game in full screen switch control to my other monitor that has the music player displayed, change music, and hit the hotkey to change controls back to the game.

Currently these are the problems I've had trying to achieve something close to this

1) When running the two displays at different resolutions, my smaller display only shows the top left hand part of the screen.

2) If I am running something in full screen on my primary monitor and try to do something e.g. change music on my smaller monitor, it minimises the program on the main monitor and shunts me back to the desktop.

3) The monitors aren't particularly close to each other, and it's a little irritating if I 'lose' my cursor and have to peer onto the other screen to navigate it back.

Ideally I'd like to get something close to what I outlined above, but a fix to any of these problems would be greatly appreciated.

Christian Studer   2007-03-15 10:36
Usually you can't switch out of games without the game getting paused or minimized, one thing you could try is to run the game in windowed mode.

UltraMon has hotkeys to move the mouse between monitors and center it on the primary, but those hotkeys usually won't work when in a game.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Independent Desktops?

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