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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual monitor configuration resets to default after loging in / connecting external screen (Vista 64 bit Aero)
Michal Jakob   2007-03-17 23:40
Have the following annoying issue with Vista Aero 64 bit. When I connect an external monitor to my laptop, Vista detects the screen and change the configuration to a "default configuraton", which is the laptop screen being the main monitor and the external monitor extending the desktop to the right...

This is not what I want! I want my external monitor to be the main one and positioned ABOVE my laptop screen. Now, I've set it up like that countless times, the problem is that after reconnecting the external screen, resuming from stand-by or even after unlocking my computer (during which all devices remained turned on!), the monitor setup just resets to the default.

That's extremely annoying as I have to set my configuration many times a day (basically each time I leave my machine and lock it). It DIDN'T happen with Windows XP...

Any idea how to fix this? Thanks a lot.

Michal Jakob   2007-03-17 23:42
Perhaps I should add it's happening on a Dell XPS M1210 running nVidia GeForce Go 7400 with Vista built-in drivers

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual monitor configuration resets to default after loging in / connecting external screen (Vista 64 bit Aero)

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