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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> mem on graphic cards
Colin   2007-03-18 22:21
I am about to upgrade my "old" multi mon sys.
If i use a PCI-ex x16 graphic card with two ports and 512mb mem that is 256 for each screen.

If i use the same setup but with one port not used (mon switched off)would the remaining screen be able to use all the 512 mem?

I need one of the screens to have lots of mem and it may be better to have one of the cards with only one screen on it.
Great site congrats to all the contributers.
David DeRolph   2007-03-19 04:54
I may be wrong but I believe the answer to your first question is that the memory is used as needed, depending on what applications are running on each monitor, rather than dividing my some set amount.

The answer to the second question is yes.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> mem on graphic cards

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