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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Tool for locking the cursor into the current screen
Snake   2007-03-19 20:31
about a year ago, i wrote a program to fix an issue with multiple monitors and some games wherein the game doesn't capture/lock the cursor into the screen it's running on. if you were to accidentally move the mouse into another screen and click, the game would minimize. it also affected one's ability to scroll the game view by tapping the edge of the screen. as far as i know, ultramon has no method of handling this. (it'd probably be pretty easy to implement with the current shortcut feature, though.)

so, i created an app to fix the problem discribed and have been using it for a year. every game i throw at it, it performs perfectly as expected. i thought i'd post about it here in case other power multimon users might find it useful as well. i've got more explicit information, screenshots, and a demo video of it at my site here. i've also compiled a list of a few games i've used it with here (mostly older games).

lemme know what you think and any suggestions/bugs you have.
Snake   2007-03-20 13:13
i just remembered that ultramon actually does have a hotkey to lock the cursor into the either the active or primary monitor. but there are two advantages to my program.

one is that it works automatically (after being setup) because it polls the runnings processes and foreground window and locks if necessary no matter what screen the app is on. the other is that it "clips" the cursor into the screen instead of moving it back in, thus eliminating the cursor jumping seen with ultramon's locking. in short, it's a more elegant solution.

sorry about my confusion there.
bumr055   2007-03-27 20:49
I don't really ever play games on my pc but, i realy like the app so ill download it and play with it... see if it ever because any use to me...

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Tool for locking the cursor into the current screen

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