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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Laptop Swaps Monitor 1 & 2 on Redock
KarlR   2007-03-20 22:35
I am running Win XP on a Dell M90 Laptop (with UltraMon, of course). I dock my laptop into a docking station where the second monitor is located to the left of my laptop screen.

I went to the display properties and dragged monitor 2 to the left (where it is physically) and everything works great. HOWEVER...

When I redock my computer & restart tomorrow, everything comes up correctly (laptop scren is primary monitor, etc) except that monitor 2 is back on the right side. I have to redrag the monitor to the left and click apply every morning.

I couldn't find a post with this exact problem, so I would appreciate any suggestions.

Azureal   2007-03-30 00:53
I have the same issue with my Dell e1705. My secondary is "Monitor 2" and physically to the left of my laptop display, on every reboot, I have to open the XP display properties and drag the secondary to the left of the primary.

It is a little annoying, but only something people with mobile machines would have to deal with. I suspect it is more likely related to Dell's driver or XP's display functionality than with UltraMon.
Talbot McInnis   2008-04-14 23:09
I have the same problem except I'm using a desktop (WinXP) with an ATI 4 monitor workstation card (FireMV 2400 PCI).
I have three monitors (physically 1-2-3) but arrange in software them as (2-1-3). Everytime I do a fresh boot in the morning I need to re-swap 2 and 1. A soft restart mid-day works fine. Could be time to address this UltraMon.
Christian Studer   2008-04-15 10:23
Talbot, you could do this with an UltraMon display profile (UltraMon menu > Display Profiles).

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Laptop Swaps Monitor 1 & 2 on Redock

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