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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Mirrors
Tom   2007-03-22 01:51
I think this Ultramon software is what I need to accomplish my goal, which I will gladly purchase if I can get it functioning, but I am having a few problems getting it configured correctly.
I have a Matrox Parhelia 128 Meg video card, two VGA outputs, the second output can be split. I was under the impression that the card could display 3 Mirrors, or clones. It can only handle two clones and a "Feature" display. I can get the stretch mode working on all three no problem.
It seems there is a conflict between Matrox Power Desk and the Ultramon software. The Powerdesk settings make it seem as if there is only one display and Ultramon gives a message that it can't mirror anything because there aren't multiple monitors. Uninstalling the powerdesk doesn't make a difference, in fact, Windows then won't recognize that there are multiple monitors.
The displays are 19" LCD, a 19" Planar touch screen, and the third is a giant Dell TV with a VGA input. All in separate rooms... I have the TV running through a KVM extender. Like I said, I know all that works because I can get the stretch working no problem.

Is there any hope for me getting three mirrors?
Christian Studer   2007-03-22 11:22
UltraMon doesn't support the triplehead mode of the Parhelia.

If you only need clone mode, you could use a video splitter to send a single output signal to all 3 monitors.

Christian Studer -
Tom   2007-03-27 08:37
Forgive me, not being a heavy video card guy, but I can put the video card into two clone mode and just split one of them into 2? Does this degrade the signal to the screens that are being run through the splitter?
I'll cry if it is this easy... :)
Thanks for the help
Christian Studer   2007-03-27 09:00
That should work fine.

I don't know if there are any image quality issues, haven't used a splitter myself yet.

Christian Studer -
Tom   2007-04-09 09:01
Mission accomplished, I bought a powered splitter for the TV and the Touch Screen and everything works great. Three mirrors up and going.
Thanks - Tom
ecarlson   2007-04-09 09:53
Which powered splitter did you buy?

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Mirrors

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