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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Remote Desktop
satbuilder   2007-03-27 15:07
I am wondering if it is possible to use remote desktop from a laptop with 2 monitors to a desktop with just one monitor. Once I have established a RD connection, I would then like to be able to use UltraMon to resolve the displays (have 2 displays at 1280x1024).

When I try right now, the desktop only shows as having one monitor connected - albeit at 2560x1024

Is this possible?
bumr055   2007-03-27 20:00
I have had someone help me through remote assistance and they claimed that they could only see the monitor with the start button on it.... i think you would need special software to view both screens.... something that was built for multiple screens.
satbuilder   2007-03-28 03:09
Let me rephrase the question/problem. I routinely work from home by using Remote Desktop to my work computer. My laptop at home has two monitors attached to it (via docking station), however my desktop at work only has 1 monitor. I have installed UltraMon on both my work computer and laptop. When I use my laptop (w/o Remote Desktop), UltraMon works great. However, when I use Remote Desktop to view my work computer, everything is stretched to fill the entire two screens. Looking at the settings (on the work desktop) it thinks my dislpay is 2560x1024 and has just 1 monitor. What I want to do is have the computer be able to see 2 monitors at 1280x1024.

My computer at work only has one vga output for one monitor hook-up. So perhaps that is the problem.
ecarlson   2007-04-01 04:46
No, Remote Desktop doesn't even care what the monitor resolution is on the other end, or how many monitors it has. Remote Desktop creates a virtual monitor to the remote computer, and you are seeing the virtual monitor, not any of the actual remote monitors. I think the virtual desktop can be any size you want up to the size of your local monitor (Sounds like your local system is spanned, so Windows is fooled into seeing one monitor from two).

You might want to set the Remote Desktop client (virtual monitor) up to be the size of just one of your monitors, unless you are okay with the double-sized virtual monitor.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Remote Desktop

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