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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Monitor Numbers Keep Swapping
Brook   2007-03-29 03:30
Hello Everyone,

I'm sure this has probably been asked before, but I can't seem to find a thread on it. I'm running an 8 monitor system in an emergency operations center. (2 NVidia Quadro PCI-E cards in a Dell Xeon with Windows XP Pro sp2. 7 LCDs and a projector.) Each monitor is independant of the others. There is no spanning.

My problem is that as monitors are disabled and enabled they tend to change monitor numbers. Changing the wires is not a good option since there are 8 wires and they are under a raised floor. Rearranging the monitor config is not a good solution since 1) novices occasionally use this machine and 2) you have to leave the room to find out what half the monitors are now displaying.

My question is: Is there some solution which will let you lock down the monitor positions? (For others having this issue, I will also be contracting Microsoft and Dell about this. If I hear anything, I'll post it.)


Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Monitor Numbers Keep Swapping

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