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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ??? Dual Monitor Card matrox G450 vs Nvidia vs ATI 7500
Sampson   2007-04-02 05:30
I want to add a second monitor to my W2k system for editting photos. Have 2 LG 19" LCD monitors. System is AGP and PCI, no PCI-E. Currently, using ATI Radeon 7500 AGP card.

The idea is to be able to view and edit photos on one screen while doing other work on the other. Next is to display a slide show on teh second monitor. Ideally, I would be able to physically rotate the 2nd monitor and rotate the screen image to let me better view vertical shots, also.

So far I am finding tht my Radeon 7500's are not the right cards. So am looking on Ebay for dual head cards. That's where I need this help.

btw will be using UltraMon for handling the images once I get the right additional video card(s).

So far have found a number of Matrox & some Nvidia dual head cards.
Matrox Dual Head G4+MMDHA32 32mb Agp
Matrox G450 256bit dual vga outputs
Nvidia Quatro 4 64mb w good range of resolutions;
PCI * Geforce FX5500 256MB dual head

A TV-out would be nice but not absolutely necessary. And eventually this will need to work on Linux (Not Vista). :)
ecarlson   2007-04-02 12:02
The usual answer: NewEgg has over 100 AGP cards, most with dual outputs, starting around $35 and going over $1000, so you have plenty of choices. You can get a good performing card with lots of capabilities in the $100 range, even with dual DVI outputs.

The G450 you mention is a rather old card, and doesn't support monitor rotation without purchasing 3rd party software. I use one, and it is not a bad card, but by no means is it a modern card. The DVI output is limited to 1280x1024, so it won't support future LCD monitors if you ever upgrade, and it only has one DVI output (which doesn't matter if you will only be using VGA). And it is relatively expensive compared to it's capabilities.

Also, check some Linux forums for compatibility info for whichever cards you are interested in.

You might want to avoid the old cards on eBay, and get a modern card from NewEgg.

- Eric,
ecarlson   2007-04-02 12:05
Clarification: The G450 DVI output is limited to 1280x1024 in digital mode, I think it supports higher in analog (VGA) mode.

- Eric,
Sampson   2007-04-02 14:21

Thanks for your reply. Having been a long time NewEgg customer for other things I will look there as you suggest.

Any particular brand or features to look for specifically?

On the G450: What third party software would be needed to get the image rotated? I take it UltraMon does not do that?

btw, Looked at your site. Great going with the FIRST program. Almost ended up as a mentor for the local FIRST team here. How did the kids like the program?

ecarlson   2007-04-03 14:02
Pivot Pro is $40. I don't know if there are any other 3rd party display rotation apps. The higher end Matrox cards come with pivot software, and I think most modern NVidia cards include the ability to rotate with the standard installed software. I don't know if ATI includes the ability with the standard installed software or not, but I would imagine they would.

If you're still thinking about the G450, I'd take the cost of the G450 plus the $40 cost for Pivot pro, and buy a good modern card.

On the other hand, if someone is giving you a free or super-cheap G450, then take it. Mine's serving me well at the moment.

- Eric,
Sampson   2007-04-04 06:36

Thanks for the followup. Have done a lot more research on this now. Still confused somewhat but...

Have found three BFG Nvidia AGP cards at NewEgg that look suitable. And you're right BFG says the rotation software is in the Nvidia packages.

The Matrox cards are still "attractive" but it's their higher end ones that take multi -multi -monitors and those are out of range. If I buy a Matrox G550 or G450 and get Pivot Pro, you're right it ends up between $60 and $75. It would seem there might be an advantage in the older cards using less power, but Matrox suggests their WYSIWYG Parhelia cards. The cheapest P cards P650 start at $155, a bit above the intended budget.

Any suggestions on these BFG cards from NewEgg?
1) BFG Tech BFGR6200OC GeForce 6200 128MB DDR AGP 4X/8X Video Card - Retail $50

2) BFG Tech BFGR66256OC GeForce 6600 256MB 128-bit DDR AGP 4X/8X Video Card - Retail $83

3) BFG Tech BFGW6600GTOC GeForce 6600GT 128MB 128-bit GDDR3 AGP 4X/8X Video Card - OEM $89

Also BFG says they do NOT suggest trying to get additional monitors by adding a PCI card to an existing AGP video system?? THought I had read here that people had done that successfully and were getting 2, 3 and 4 monitors out of such a setup?? Am guessing there must be an issue with multiple drivers??

Thanks again. And anybody else with ideas on this , please share them.

ecarlson   2007-04-05 12:49
I haven't used any of these cards yet, but I would lean towards a GeForce 6600GT, especially since it has dual-DVI, and is a good performer without using a huge amount of power, though I would personally look for a fanless 6600GT, since I like quiet computers.

Yes, you can use PCI cards with AGP cards. If you get a PCI card from a similar chipset family, it will even use the same drivers, though you can mix brands, with varying amounts of success.

- Eric,
Sampson   2007-04-12 03:34

Thanks for your reply.

Here is an update on where this project stands. I have ended up with some new cards, but on a different direction. Thru good old Ebay, I have managed to buy Matrox higher end video cards and to find a PCI mate for my current Ati 7500.

Got a Parhelia 128Mb dual monitor dvi AGP;
and a P650 dual monitor AGP
and a G550 dual PCI
Lost the bidding on a Parhelia 256Mb card to sniper (ugh)..:(

Managed to find the ATi drivers 6.11 that are supposed to give rotation for my 7500 series ATi cards. That was a work out since ATi only shows them thru the XP drivers links. Their data base for drivers and their Knowledgebase is pretty screwed up. And there appear to be no Linux drivers for the 7500 series boards, at least at ATi's site.

Did get nice support from Matrox. They tell me the P650 as well as the Parhelia boards are what I need for this photo editting with image rotation. And that their drivers allow for multiple types of cards in systems. Got the G550 to let me do 4 monitors, even if the last 2 screens won't rotate.

So that's the follow up on this. I may still end up buying UltraMon, in the future. But when I get these boards in and tested, it's photo time. :)

Appreciate the help.

ecarlson   2007-04-15 15:14
Please let us know the final results, once it's all set up.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ??? Dual Monitor Card matrox G450 vs Nvidia vs ATI 7500

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