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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors driven by Nvidia and an ATI card
Jeff   2007-04-03 14:12
I have 3 new monitors working on one desktop. Monitor 1 driven by Nvidia(GeForce FX5200) and monitors 2&3 driven by one ATI (Radeon X1550)card with dual DVI interface. Have Ultramon installed and all 3 monitors work great. My problem is: When I have a window open and want to drag it to another window and drop it where for example, it will end up half on the monitor 1 screen and the other half of window on monitor 2 screen. In essence straddling between monitors when I drop it. It does not allow me to do this because the window will "snap" completely over into monitor 1 or monitor 2. How do I fix this? There must be some way to tweek this via software in Nvidea or ultramon, right? Thank you very much to anyone who may extend advice, I appreciate it!

Protech   2007-04-03 23:46
Get basta zmover. You can designate any window where you choose. TIm
Chris M   2007-04-03 23:53
Just throwing out a possibility, since one card is ati and the other is nvidia, you may find troubles in that area even after getting around all the driver complications betweent he two.
ecarlson   2007-04-05 13:04
I believe you have a snap-to-monitor setting turned on in the settings for one of the video cards. You need to find the setting and turn it off.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors driven by Nvidia and an ATI card

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