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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Wallpaper on 2 monitors
BW   2007-04-10 12:51
I have been trying to get my wallpaper to spread across both monitors. The open in Ultramon "one background/image for the whole desktop" along with everything else on that page/tab is greyed out and not usable. Why is this?

For now I set the MS Windows setting to TILE and it did the job, but why doesn't this work within Ultramon?
BW   2007-04-10 12:53
I meant to say option, not open. The OPTION in Ultramon...

Christian Studer   2007-04-11 01:24
Did you already create a wallpaper profile? If no, click on 'New profile' to create one.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Wallpaper on 2 monitors

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