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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> multi monitor video wall / slideshow? software suggs. ?
steve   2007-04-17 06:08
Hey all...

I'm trying to set up a video wall at my office, with 4 LCD monitors. I have the setup already working, and now I'm just looking for software to kick this badboy into high gear.. . any suggestions?

Basically, I want to have a fully configurable slideshow where I can put different movie clips on each monitor... and then say, stretch 2 clips so that 2 clips play on all 4 monitors, and so on and so on. Videosaver is neat but (a) it kept crashing on me and (b) it can only display a clip in one-or-all fashion.. does anyone else know of any software to use? Right now i'm leaning towards the powershow plugin (or w/e) for Powerpoint, but if there's something I'm missing.. by all means, I'm all ears.

Miles   2007-04-17 06:49
Use VLC, there is an option to render to a tile made of any number of caolumns and rows you specify.

(This also allows for an intriguing game of match the puzzle :), with video!)

In preferences under video output mode/filters there is a setting for "wall of monitors", be sure to check "advanced settings" when you open the preferences so that you can see all the options.
Million   2007-04-17 21:42
Matrixdvd player ( can span across multiple monitors, but it seems that it can only input one source video.
steve   2007-04-20 00:19
Thanks for the replies, gents. I'm having a hell of a time working with VLC player though... the Video Wall option doesn't seem to do anything.. am I doing it wrong? I have the filter checked off in the filter list.. but full screen only hits up 1 monitor.

Haven't had a chance to check out the DVD player, I'm going to try that next.

Shawn   2007-08-03 05:09
I found such a software from that website, it can play four different movies or capture video on your four independent monitors, maybe you can try it.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> multi monitor video wall / slideshow? software suggs. ?

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