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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> USB 2.0 to SVGA Adapter not working
Elsykay   2007-04-20 12:02
I was using a USB 2.0 to SVGA Adapter from Cables To Go to get my second monitor and it worked for beautifully for awhile, then quit. I've tried installing and reinstalling till I'm blue in the face, but no second monitor.

Any ideas on why this would happen-both monitors work (I have a Dell Pentium 4 with Windows XP if that helps). Is there another external adapter that I could try? I suppose I could install another video adapter. Is there anything special I should look for when purchasing another video card? I'd prefer the external route if at all possible.

TIA for any advice~

Frustrated in Sacramento~
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> USB 2.0 to SVGA Adapter not working

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