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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Wallpaper is reversed!!!
Joe   2007-04-21 02:03
I have two monitors set up. The left is the secondary, the right is the primary.

The "1" and "2" are correct in Windows setup, the monitors behave correctly with the primary working as the primary, etc.

Only one small problem - the wallpapers are split so the left half is on the right monitor and the right half is on the left monitor.

This is driving me crazy! Help!
ecarlson   2007-04-21 09:00
One common solution is to edit the wallpaper so that the pieces display on the correct monitors. So you need to cut the photo in half in your favorite editor, and swap the left and right halves, and save as a new file, then use the new file as your wallpaper. If you don't have a favorite editor, there are many free editors available.

- Eric,
Joe   2007-04-21 13:20
That's the obvious solution, but certainly not the correct one.

I'm looking to solve the problem correctly. I don't want to split and re-join every wallpaper file.
ecarlson   2007-04-21 15:18
Actually, I think it is the "correct" solution, but it sounds like you are looking for something that would do the swap on the fly automatically so you don't have to do it manually beforehand. Maybe someone here knows of such a thing, or maybe UltraMon would help.

- Eric,
ecarlson   2007-04-21 15:35
Of course, the other simple fix is to make the left monitor the primary, but I assume you have the right monitor as the primary for a reason.

- Eric,
Joe   2007-04-22 01:28
Ahh, got it!

I removed the nvidia startup items from the registry - it looks like the UltraMon and nvidia softwares were conflicting.

Now it's fine :-))
ecarlson   2007-04-22 14:10

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Wallpaper is reversed!!!

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