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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Virtual video driver
Julia   2007-05-01 10:02

I'm searching for some kind of virtual video driver, simulating a video card under WinXP. Any hints, links or recommendations?

Thanks a lot,
ecarlson   2007-05-01 13:47
See the earlier threads on the same topic, and please post here if you find anything new that those posts don't talk about, or if you have any luck with anything mentioned in one of those posts.

- Eric,
Julia   2007-05-02 05:02
earlier threads dont contain any valueable information at all
ecarlson   2007-05-02 14:04
Thanks for the update. I thought I remembered at least one mention of a possible virtual monitor solution. If you do find a solution, please share with this forum.

- Eric,
Julia   2007-05-03 05:04
Maxivista is willing to isolate its driver for 5000 Euros, I asked them. Too much for me :-/. Maybe they launch a stand alone virtual video driver as a new product, if they get more demanding feedback.
ecarlson   2007-05-03 05:08
Did you try contacting too?

- Eric,
Julia   2007-05-03 05:18
no, go ahead, give it a shot
ecarlson   2007-05-05 08:50
I'm not actually looking for a virtual video driver myself, though it would be great if someone found one for everyone here who has been looking for one.

- Eric,
claudio   2007-05-07 01:23
If you terminate a running MaxiVista session on the server side, you can actually control the MaxiVista driver via the Windows control panel - if that's all you are looking for (works on my WinXP configuration).
Julia   2007-05-11 05:25
yes, I know, but its not really coming in handy
claudio   2007-05-18 12:10
If you find something more handy please post it here I am looking for exactly the same thing...
deadfones   2007-05-19 11:25
Not sure if it's what you want, but the new version of VMWare, 6, can simulate up to 10 monitors on the VM.
Julia   2007-05-20 10:57
has anybody contacted extramon?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Virtual video driver

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