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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> No video in Media Player
Jiong   2007-05-03 15:17
My machine is a laptop connected to an LCD with an extended desktop using Ultramon 3.0 beta 1. The same problem happens with Ultramon 2.7.1 and probably without Ultramon at all. Anyway, on to the problem - When I play a full screen directx game, namely Maplestory, and then I exit the game (or minimize it), my media player (every single media player) gets a black/gray video with no images on my 2nd monitor screen. That is, everything else shows up fine, just the video in the media player is missing (only on the 2nd monitor). I can resolve this issue by 1) reboot or 2) change the screen resolution. Any thoughts?
Jiong   2007-05-03 15:49
I have a screenshot at if that helps make things clear any better.
ecarlson   2007-05-04 14:02
And this problem doesn't happen when Ultramon is not installed?

- Eric,
Jiong   2007-05-04 17:20
No I'm pretty sure it happens without Ultramon installed as well.
Miles   2007-05-07 17:49
MapleStory just sucks, it forces a non-native LCD resolution (I am unsure what, but it is lower than 1024x768), so maybe set the resolution to what maplestory runs and then the framebuffer won't be flushed on the resolution change (that is probably what is messing up your videos).
Jiong   2007-05-08 15:34
You're RIGHT! I set my 2nd monitor to 800x600 and I can still watch vids after I quit Maplestory. Too bad this isn't a solution... =/ Who can live with that kind of resolution in this age?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> No video in Media Player

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