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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Horizontal span: popups not centered?
Jens Schiffers   2007-05-07 01:26
I'm working with horizontal span with two screens. The popups, beginning with the login mask, further the query popups in the application appear centered. Thus, they are separated by the physicql borders of the two screens.

Is there any work-around for this paradigm?
I would pleased about any helpful answers!

Best regards,

P.S.: I'm using Nvidia Quadro NVS 280; if this helps.
ecarlson   2007-05-24 01:59
Sure, switch to regular Windows Extended Desktop mode, instead of using Span mode, since Span mode fools Windows into thinking 2 monitors are 1 instead of letting Windows handle the 2 displays itself.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Horizontal span: popups not centered?

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