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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two mouse pointers on a single comp
Josh   2007-05-07 05:35
I know this has been asked before but I just saw an article on engadget which seems to imply MS is making software to do exactly this. In fact it looks like MS has already made the software.

I'd be a big fan of being able to play a game on one screen and then without losing focus beable to use an instant messenger or something on the other screen and this software seems to offer exactly that.

Anyways I've included a link to the engadget article I'm refering to but my question was, does anyone know the name of this software? Because the article seems to be a little light on the details and I want to try and grab a beta version and test it out.
Josh   2007-05-08 05:31
I'm not sure abot the "split screen" software, but the software to have multiple, simultaneous input devices is Windows MultiPoint. Here's a link to the download page:

I have yet to try the software so I do not know of its functionality, unfortunately.

NOTE: Under the system requirements on that link, you must be using a USB device as the supplemental device along with, you MUST be running the .NET Framework 3.0 Runtime Components, so download that as well:

Hope it works out for you! Post your experience with it!

- Josh
Josh   2007-05-09 11:33
Thanks for the reply Josh. For the record I'm the Josh in the top posting. The Josh in the second posting is someone else.

Anyways I gave this a brief look. It's somewhat disapointing. First off it claims to work on 32bit OS's only. WHich is kinda an issue for me since I haven't run a 32bit OS in almost 2 years.

But I just ignored that warning and gave it a go anyways. SO far I haven't had any luck, but sadly it's only an SDK so it doesn't actually do anything immediatly anyways. I'm going to try and write a small program to see if I can make it do something. If it does work for me on XP 64 then I'll have to try talking seomone into building it into ultramon for general purpose windows usage.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two mouse pointers on a single comp

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