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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Edge Resistance
Frankie   2007-05-07 08:22
Is there any way to implement edge resistance using Ultramon? I like the way that Linux adds a bit of resistance at the edge of each screen so that you can still zip your mouse over to the right edge, then up to click on the X, rather than having to be so precise...
Christian Studer   2007-05-07 08:41
I'm going to look into this for UltraMon 3, but don't know yet if it can/will be implemented.

Christian Studer -
Morgan   2007-06-19 23:14
This is a big feature I'd like to see. When running a full-screen app in the second monitor, moving the mouse over it accidentally can cause it loose focus.
James   2007-07-01 11:34

I'd love this - aiming for the "close" button for an app on your left screen and missing as the mouse flows across to the next screen is quite annoying.

Having the ability to completely block the flow of the mouse when you are X pixels from the top or bottom would also be GREAT!
David   2008-10-10 22:41

This is absolutely a killer feature I want to see in UltraMon 3.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Edge Resistance

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