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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 4x ATI9250 - 2xtrouble
tb2000   2007-05-19 21:11
I have 4 ATI 9250s (1 AGP, 3 PCI) in an intel 865 based Gigabyte MB, Award Bios, each driving a 1900x1200 DVI-I Monitor.

I had some trouble getting this to work from a previous mix Matrox 650 and 9250 setup. Also I had to reshuffle cards such that I only now have a single interrupt per video card. (still some other peripherals are sharing IRQs with some of the video boards)

Now (trouble 1) once its booted I have a strange problem:

In a setup
1 2 3
If I frequently drag a window between 2 and 3 the window gets messed up artefacts (vertical columns) on the 3 surface.

In other configurations lite 1 2 3 4
1 2 3
there is no issue.

Also (trouble 2)
Sometimes the system boots int "blind" mode, no video at all. The system though is alive, I can access it over the net, including proper shutdown.
It appears as if it was waiting for a user login.

Any help is appreciated

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 4x ATI9250 - 2xtrouble

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