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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Portrait mode - mousing over to other monitor from sides?
David   2007-05-20 10:40
I have 2 LCD monitors, both in portrait mode. In order to move the mouse to the other monitor, I have to move the mouse off the top or bottom of each screen. That's because the PC thinks that my top and bottom are the left and right SIDES of the monitor (as if the monitors were in landscape mode). Is there a way to set it up so that I can move the cursor off the left or right sides of the monitor to go to the other monitor? I'm running Vista.
Christian Studer   2007-05-21 10:29
That should be possible, you can change the monitor arrangement under Personalization > Display Settings.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Portrait mode - mousing over to other monitor from sides?

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