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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Some hidden windows visible on Taskbar - bug?
noetus   2007-06-01 11:03
So I have narrowed the problem down to Ultramon 3.0.0. If Ultramon is running, one or two hidden processes show up on the Taskbar - they are not meant to be there. Currently Vista Start Menu is the most persistent - I simply can't get it off my taskbar (it is supposed to be hidden). Intermittently I also have Spysweeper and Zone Labs Integrity Client showing up - these are also supposed to be hidden. The Zone Labs tab won't respond to any sort of mouseclick, while the Spysweeper tab will go away if I right click and select "Minimize", and then left-click and select "Maximise", when it shows up on the Desktop as an open window, and I can close it.

NOTE: This ONLY happens when I have "SmartTaskbar" on AND on "Standard". When it is OFF or set to "Mirror" the problem does not occur.

This seems to be a bug with 3.0.0 Beta.
ecarlson   2007-06-01 14:44
That would be a good post for the UltraMon specific forum instead of the general multi-monitor forum. I don't have UltraMon or Vista (other than Beta), so I can't test it.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Some hidden windows visible on Taskbar - bug?

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